Monday, January 31, 2011

Island of Paradise

~Author's Note: This was my version of paradise. It doesn't have to be yours, because it's mine. I had started to write a story with this piece, but it didn't sound right. So then I deleted the story and posted the paradise. Please tell me what you think of this piece!

I walk along the golden, soft beach, the gentle winds tussling my hair. The smell of fish and tangerines fill my nose as I inhale deeply. I can hear birds calling out to each other and the waves crashing against the shore. I could see dolphins playing in the turquoise ocean a mile away. The bright, blue sky is filled with sun, and with flocks of birds circling the island. It is an island of paradise.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Peace like a River Prompt

The main character for this book is Jeremiah Land, Reuben's father. In some ways, he is like an angel, creating miracles, fighting "evil", and being very loyal and faithful to the Lord Almighty.

His actions caught my attention because they are what made him the main character. Some people might think Reuben is the main character but he is just a narrator and the main characters son. Jeremiah is in almost every scene, whether he's being mentioned or actually in it.

He performed several miracles which included walking on air, helping Reuben live, and lastly, he glowed like an angel when he went to go save Dolly from the two bullies. The last one is what made me come to a solution about the theme.

I believe the theme is about doing good and praising God. A lot of people try to do good, but then it blows up in their face when they go bad themselves. Most people believe in God and the church and doing good, even when it is hard to follow up on that. Jeremiah does all those things, and more. He prays and listens to God, he also does good and protect the innocent. This is why the theme to me was praising God and doing good.

Tom Sawyer Essay

~Authors Note: We had to write an essay for Tom Sawyer about the theme and mode.

Have you ever had a loyal friend who'd stand by you while you stood by him? A friend that you'd support, no matter what? That's what the friendship of Tom, Huck, and Joe is like. They would stick by each other even when they were in great danger. They are like brothers, who fight, but then they would forgive each other and continue their adventures.

Their friendship seems huge because Huck and Joe let Tom drag them everywhere, whether it's a murder they're seeing, or into Tom's own personal problems. But then again isn't that what friends are for? To follow you and help at times of need?

Mark Twain seems to know how to value friendship, and let that "feeling" write the story of Tom Sawyer for him. He added some marvelous characters, Huck Finn and Joe, to be friends with Tom Sawyer on all the adventures. If Tom didn't have friends or at least allies, the story would be over after a few very short chapters. Tom Sawyer's overall mode is romance. He can't do anything wrong and ends up getting out of trouble every time. Everybody needs a friend, including romance main characters.

Setting Peace like a River

The setting for Peace like a River are in many places from his hometown. The high school and his house are just a few of the settings. The settings I think are mostly irony or tragedy. Reading about these settings help me place which mode to put that chapter in.

One of the main settings is in Reuben's house where he was born, and where the plot starts. Also, while he is there, he hears the story about Dolly, Israel, and Tommy. The high school is important because that's where the incident with Dolly happened and all the danger started. There was another place as well, the Methodist church, whose religion required certain practices. Reuben's dad ended up on the floor, unconscious. All these chapters' modes were tragic or irony.